Exxon Ed Whitfield’s Hypocrisy on Healthcare

Exxon Ed Whitfield’s Hypocrisy knows no bounds. We have already seen how he and his campaign believe that theft and vandalism is a Christian Value. However, on no issue does Exxon Eddie seem to be more Hypocritical than on the issue of Healthcare.  

He talks a real good game:

While pharmaceuticals have helped millions of Americans live longer and better lives, the cost of modern medicines has skyrocketed in recent years. Many Americans are forced to take chances with their health, simply because they cannot afford the costs of modern medicines. This is unacceptable. Medicine should never be a luxury item. I am committed to working with my colleagues in Congress to drive down the prices of prescription drugs and make them affordable for the millions of Americans who currently take them. This includes our work to create a Medicare prescription drug benefit for our seniors, as well as efforts to bring down the costs of prescription drugs across the board, so that all Americans can enjoy the better quality of life that these medications bring.


Now, although that does make me feel warm and fuzzy all over, it just does not match at all with his voting record. One case in point:

Would require negotiating with pharmaceutical manufacturers the prices that may be charged to prescription drug plan sponsors for covered Medicare part D drugs.

Proponents support voting YES because:

This legislation is an overdue step to improve part D drug benefits. The bipartisan bill is simple and straightforward. It removes the prohibition from negotiating discounts with pharmaceutical manufacturers, and requires the Secretary of Health & Human Services to negotiate. This legislation will deliver lower premiums to the seniors, lower prices at the pharmacy and savings for all taxpayers.

It is equally important to understand that this legislation does not do certain things. HR4 does not preclude private plans from getting additional discounts on medicines they offer seniors and people with disabilities. HR4 does not establish a national formulary. HR4 does not require price controls. HR4 does not hamstring research and development by pharmaceutical houses. HR4 does not require using the Department of Veterans Affairs’ price schedule.

While this bill would have helped all who struggle with high drug prices, this bill could have actually saved the government untold amounts of your tax dollars, yet Exxon Eddie would seek to lecture us all on Government waste. Yet another hypocrisy.

And the worst part is that Exxon Eddie will continue to vote against anything that even takes a step towards any kind of Universal Healthcare. It is a shame for Kentucky’s Children because Exxon Ed Whitfield couldn’t even find it in his heart to cast a vote for 6 million AmericanCHILDREN!! He was too busy doling out Corporate Welfare, and fighting for Lobbyists.

Exxon Eddie has voted to deny coverage to those who MAY not be able to pay. He has voted to limit all of our rights of Retribution in the courts provided us by our Constitution. In his 14 yrs. of representation, Ed Whitfield has managed to vote in the interest of Public Health a whopping12% of the time.

This is important for Democrats on the national level that want to have enough votes to pass major improvements on Health Care. We all know the fight that awaits us from the money that can be raised by the Insurance and Drug lobby. We need every single vote possible to even have a chance of taking baby steps in the right direction.

We can change a definate vote against improved Health Care in America, into a vote we can count on. Heather Ryan has stated that working for change in our healthcare system is the first Fight she wants to be part of in the new Congress.

She has the fire to fight the Republicans here:

She has a new-look website and has pleasantly surprised Democrats in this district with her fiery campaign. I know the consensus is that Democrats can’t win in this district and Kentucky in general, but this district has been highly ignored while the Republicans have invested here. Our district has a Democratic tradition and is over 60% registered Democrats. If we get the resources we need, we can win this race.

I think no matter what else we all may disagree on, we all know that we simply have to elect more votes to Congress, votes that are serious about real change. Heather offers us New Leadership:

Heather Ryan

Not just for our district and Kentucky, but for grassroots Democrats who desperately need someone who won’t cave on major votes. How many times have we been frustrated at a Congress that consistently doesn’t have the votes to fight? We have a solid shot at adding a Democratic vote here.

I have set a goal of raising $10,000 for Heather on the blogs before the November elections. If she can get the funds to run T.V. in this huge district, she will win. This district has seen no progress under Whitfield and if the voters of this district are shown that, they will come home to vote Democrat.

Please help Heather’s campaign. With all the millions floating around in the blogosphere, just a bit of that would win this race. Invest in real change here:

Goal Thermometer

I am almost 40% there!!

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